Ancient Canal in Sian Kaan Tulum


  • Guides (Maya, Spanish, English, Italian and French)
  • Life jackets
  • Lockers
  • Box lunch
  • Entrance fees to Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve
  • Visit the community museum
  • Walk in the interpretive trail
  • SiteBoat ride across the Lagoon System
  • Channel Flotation


  • Cap
  • Towels
  • Water container
  • Sandals
  • Swimwear
  • Camera
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Biodegradable sunscreen


  • Departure from Community Tours Office in Tulum.
  • Please arrive 15 min before your tour start time.

You should know

  • Restrictions: People under the influence of drugs or alcohol are not permitted to participate in our tours. 
  • Children under 5 years old can only participate under the direct supervisión of a parent or are the responsability of a family member. 
  • Is it an appropriate excursion for you? 
    • Physical effort: short médium tall
  • Group size: mínimum of 2 and a máximum of 12 people



  • We operate this excursion from Monday to Saturday but we have limited space. We take into careful consideration the nature of our activities and for this purpose have small intimate groups. Our guests should reserve 24 hours in advance.


Cancellation policy

5% off
Tulum, QRoo, Mexico

From: $18.75
USD to reserve

Duration: 07:00 Hrs

Horary of Tour

Price of Tour

$125.00 USD
$118.75 USD
$105.00 USD
$99.75 USD
Tour Description


A few minutes from Tulum in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve a channel made by the acient. Maya makes approximately 1000 years, it was to be discovered in the lagoons, natural channels may observe manatees and crocodiles and the tropical forest in th habitat of animals, fish and birds.



  • Pez Maya Beach
  • Flotation in the channel
  • Help us to save the manatees
  • Egret, aquatic bird
  • Crocodiles, know the endangered species



  • Departure from Community Tours Office in Tulum.
  • Muyil Center Community.
  • Boat ride across the lagoon system,watching manatees, swim at the beach and swimming in natural channel.
  • Box lunch.
  • Visit to X-lapak Temple and channel flotation.
  • Return to Muyil.
  • Return to Tulum.
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